USGA Rules of Golf

USGA Rules of Golf will be the standing rules for all SLICJGA events.  Exceptions or clarification to the rules will be noted on the rules sheet provided to each player at each SLICJGA event.

Pull Carts

Many of the host clubs do NOT allow pull carts to be used on the golf course.  For those that do allow pull carts, some may require that they are rented from the host club.  Please inquire wiht the club's proshop in advance of arriving at an event to determine if allowed.  Thank you.

Dress Code for Junior Golfers

Proper attire is required at all SLICJGA events. The dress code prohibits shoes with metal spikes, short shorts (finger tips must touch bottom of short or skirt), halter tops, shirts exposing mid riffs, tank tops, T-shirts, gym shorts, and all denim. (No visible body piercing is permitted; however, girls may wear earrings.) All hats must be worn properly, bill forward; collared shirts must be worn and tucked in (girls may wear shirts without collars if the shirt is part of a coordinated outfit).
Any violation of this rule results in either disqualification or the junior not being allowed to participate until he/she has met the above regulations.
Spectators at private clubs must adhere to player dress code policy. If not in proper attire, spectators may not follow the golfers and must leave the facility. 

Measuring Devices

The use of measuring devices is acceptable as long as it does not measure slope.

Other Electronic Devices

Cell phones, ipods, or any other electronic communication devices that are not soley designed for measuring yardage on the golf course are prohibited during play. The use of such items will result in disqualification.

Scoring by Players

Scoring by Players
  • A player is to report immediately to the scoring area after their round is completed.
  • At this time players must sit down, check their hole by hole scores, ask for any rulings on provisional balls, ask questions, and sign their scorecards.
  • Two signatures are required. One for the score keeper and one from the player attesting to the accuracy of the score.

Penalties for Disqualification of a Player may include:
  • Signing for a lower score than the player actually shot on a hole
  • Leaving a hole blank with no score
  • Not having two signatures on the score card
  • Not reporting a rules infraction to the SLICJGA committee

If a number is not legible on a scorecard, and a player has left the scoring area, then the SLICJGA Committee will determine the player's score on the hole based on their best interpretation of the marking. If completely unlegible, the player will be provided a score of four over par for that hole.  

Conduct of Players

Inappropriate behavior by any junior golfer, witnessed by our committee, fellow competitor, or any staff of the host facility will be immediately disqualified from the current event and their entry into future events will be subject to review and possible cancellation.
Inappropriate behavior could include the use of improper language, dressing in non-golf attire, throwing clubs, damaging the course, failure to repair ball marks on the greens or replace divots on the course, cheating, being disruptive to fellow competitors, knowingly violating the rules of golf, overall display of poor sportsmanship, use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs.
Junior golfers are expected to promote the experience of junior golf for all participants.


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Volunteers Needed

If you are interested in volunteering for the junior golf events in 2021, please e-mail Mike Reynoso

Our continued success is dependent on having parents and grandparents volunteer to work the SLICJGA events.  Thank you for your consideration!

Copyright © 2024 SLICJGA. St Louis Inter-Club Junior Golf Association is a Non-Profit 501(c)3 Organization. All Rights Reserved.

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